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Book Recommendations
Books recommended on the Infinite Banking Concept, understanding finances, and history.
The Power of Zero
by David McKnight
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Money, Wealth, Life Insurance
by Jake Thompson
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Tax-Free Retirement
by Patrick Kelly
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by Elan Moas
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Becoming Your Own Banker
by Nelson Nash
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Building Your Warehouse of Wealth
by Nelson Nash
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The Case for IBC
by Nelson Nash, Carlos, Lara
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A Path to Financial Freedom
by Dwayne Burrell
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The Volatility Shield
by David McKnight
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Creature from Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin
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The Mystery of Banking
by Murray Rothbard
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The Case Against the Fed
by Murray Rothbard
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What Has Government Done With Our Money
by Murray Rothbard
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How Privatized Banking Really Works
by Carlos Lara & Robert Murphy
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Paper Money
by Adam Smith
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The Pirates of Manhattan
by Barry James Dyke
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The Pirates of Manhattan II
by Barry James Dyke
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Gents with No Cents
by Ron DeLegge
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The Great Wall Street Retirement Scam
by Rick Bueter
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The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
by John Bogle
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Money: Master the Game
by Tony Robbins
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Rich Dad, Poor Dad
by Robert Kiyosaki
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Think & Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
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The Richest Man in Babylon
by George Clason
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The Power of Zero
by David McKnight
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Money, Wealth, Life Insurance
by Jake Thompson
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Tax-Free Retirement
by Patrick Kelly
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by Elan Moas
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Becoming Your Own Banker
by Nelson Nash
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Building Your Warehouse of Wealth
by Nelson Nash
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The Case for IBC
by Nelson Nash, Carlos, Lara
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A Path to Financial Freedom
by Dwayne Burrell
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The Volatility Shield
by David McKnight
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Creature from Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin
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The Mystery of Banking
by Murray Rothbard
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The Case Against the Fed
by Murray Rothbard
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What Has Government Done To Our Money
by Murray Rothbard
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How Privatized Banking Really Works
by Carlos Lara & Robert Murphy
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Paper Money
by Adam Smith
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The Pirates of Manhattan
by Barry James Dyke
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The Pirates of Manhattan II
by Barry James Dyke
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Gents with No Cents
by Ron DeLegge
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The Great Wall Street Retirement Scam
by Rick Bueter
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The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
by John Bogle
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Money: Master the Game
by Tony Robbins
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Rich Dad, Poor Dad
by Robert Kiyosaki
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Think & Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
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The Richest Man in Babylon
by George Clason
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Rich Dad Prophecy
by Robert Kiyosaki
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